어쩌다 공부

Thoughts for Changemakers

바리차 2017. 4. 24. 04:19

사회적 기업가 (Social Entrepreneurship) 관련된 글들을 보다가 Bornstein & Davis 가 쓴 "Social Entrepreneurship: What Everyone Needs to Know"  Teaching note에서 발췌.

생각만 하고 못하는 것이 많으므로 한 10년쯤 후엔 모두 다 해 봤으면 하는 바람. 

1. Begin with an end in mind.

2. Do what you do best.

3. Have people ask you questions about your idea.

4. Practice pitching your idea.

5. Study the history of the problem you are attacking.

6. Develop a theory of change.

7. Keep thinking about how you can measure or evaluate success.

8. Celebrate every victory, no matter how small.

9. Initiate new relationships.

10. Apprentice yourself with masters. (Work without pay if necessary.)

11. Volunteer for a political campaign.

12. Publish a letter to the editor or an op-ed.

13. Meet with a newspaper editor and a congressman.

14. Host dinner discussions about your idea.

15. Form a group to achieve a modest, short-term goal.

16. Ask a question at a public forum.

17. Engage people with opposing political views.

18. Ask for advice from people you admire.

19. Read biographies of people who have built things.

20. Spend some time working in a different sector, field or country.

21. Practice public speaking.

22. Take a finance course.

23. Learn how to negotiate.

24. Find sources of inspiration and use them.

25. Hold to principles, be flexible about methods. 

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